Tuesday, October 27, 2009

Amazing Race: The Trial of Big Easy

Have you ever rowed a boat? If not, go to the 2:00 mark of the video below and allow me to show you how NOT to row a boat.

And so it was that this episode was the biggest test yet for Globetrotters (both literally and ... literally) Flight Time and Big Easy, by far the most likable characters on this season. Still racing through Dubai, the contestants had to row a little plastic dinghy to a yacht, grab a watch from a sheik, and use the watch to figure out the combo on a briefcase that contained their next clue. Big Easy stepped up to the plate, swung, and struck out hard. Not only was his rowing technique totally lacking (although not bad enough that fellow competitor Dan didn't copy it - 2:21 mark in the video), but he couldn't figure out that the 3-digit code for the briefcase was the time on the watch, 8:35. Instead he thought one number was 8, the second 7 ... and there was no third! You can imagine the dilemma. Flight and Big Easy fell behind horribly and looked done for until, in the end, they were rescued by Christian "Newly Datings" Mika and Canaan. The last part of this leg of the race was to plunge down a huge water slide. Well, it just so happens that Mika is scared of heights and ... wait for it ... scared of water as well! She might have stood a chance of overcoming her fears had Canaan's initial Christian instinct been something other than trying to physically throw his girlfriend down the slide. This rattled Mika enough to freeze her like a deer in the desert until Flight and Big Easy appeared on the scene and Big Easy completely redeemed himself with calls to Mika like "Don't do it girl!" and "If you're scared you shouldn't go, you'll hurt yourself!" Two minutes passed, the Canaanites gave up their place in line, and Flight and Big Easy lived to race another day.

As Big Easy dove past Canaan, Canaan snarled "I thought you we're a good guy Big Easy, but turns out you're a piece of crap." I'm pretty sure as he plummeted four stories through the rushing water, the big man was heard yelling "SCOOOOREBOARD!"

Monday, October 26, 2009

And so it was, er is...

Hello interweb world, we are Project Blog Blog. Project Blog Blog is our dedicated space to update you on the pop cultural comings and goings in our house, tucked into a sweet little corner of south Philadelphia. We plan on blogging all things reality television, but I'm pretty sure this will soon become a space for rantings of all sorts. From sports to movies to music to politics, we'll be giving it to you straight; the only way we know how. So that's enough introduction - more to follow. It's fall, there's a crisp cool breeze sweeping down the street, Halloween costumes have been appropriately diagrammed and are awaiting the sewing machine, and there's anticipation in the air. If I was an average jane, that anticipation would be reserved for something worthy- the first day of school or a pumpkin picking excursion - but no - I'm gearing up for another season of So You Think You Can Dance and passionately dedicated to following the travails of Flight Time and Big Easy on the Amazing Race. Will you give me yourself? Will you come travel with me?