Tuesday, November 3, 2009

Top Chef: Whuteva whuteva yogutz.

Forgive the delays in posting, the reality of the World Series (Go Phils!!!) has been eating into the reality of reality TV. Just as I'm sure Cliff Lee does on his off days, we caught up on some Top Chef.

Now honestly, going to Craftsteak and cooking a vegetarian meal is just plain blasphemy. I almost turned off the show when they announced that twist, but then those gosh darn bright red faces suck you back in. Seriously though, why is everyone's face so red?? Are they getting fried in the Vegas sun? Does Bravo just have crappy cameras? Why is this show not in HD yet? Because then the bright red faces would be horrifying? It was that kind of episode: boring vegetarian.

This season is really becoming all about Kevin. The guy is GOOD. He remains calm at all times, always seems to put a good deal of his own personality in his food, and just wins wins WINS. After winning both the quickfire and elimination challenge, his win tally is up to 7 (3 QFs, 4 ECs). On top of that, he's a likable guy and has a great big bushy beard! He's definitely my favorite to win, with Bryan in a distant second.

On the other end of the likability spectrum, we have Mike and Robin. Mike has played the role of chauvinistic arrogant prick beautifully this season. He's really able to evoke the kind of special self loathing for the male species I only feel while watching reality TV (although not that super duper special Real World/Road Rules Challenge kind.) He also loves saying whuteva whuteva. Leeks undercooked? Whuteva whuteva. Kicked off the show? Whuteva whuteva I didn't have my yogutz. What does that even mean?? I have to say though, Robin is worse. She's like the little pieces of dog crap you can't get out of the treads of your shoes after stepping in it. Hangs around for ever, stains whatever it touches, and generally smells like poop. Thankfully half of this terrible twosome was released back into the wild this week (Mike), and I'm sure Robin is whuteva whuteva yogutz (not far behind).

One last thing: As if being hot, smart, and in Star Wars and the Professional wasn't enough, Natalie Portman managed to work in a couple jokes about drugs as well as some prolonged fellatio innuendo into her guest judging appearance. As if you didn't already know, Natalie Portman = whuteva whuteva awesome.

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